Glam and chic look

With no doubt those drsses will come along with hijab and can be accesoriesed with a nice bag and some simple jewells , as for the dresses are already accesorised with broderies or diamonds , so we don't wanna look like a vulgar fllower of fashion.I like so much jewelleries, but i'm always careful to go well toghether with my dress and not failing in beeing simple and in the same time glamoruos.
Salamz my dear, thanks.. I also love your taste in clothes. YES YES YES I LOVE ACCESSORIES!!! Subhanallah we have similar taste!
xoxox Jazak allah khair.
salaamz sis
masha'allah once again a great post
Mashallah beautiful!! espcially de number 4
love the last one. soooo cool
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