Salaam my dears, today I have got an idea; I will show u my Islamic way of dresses, so I have a challenge for Muslimah Flower, My Desert Diary,Hamida’s Hijab World, Malizea,The Reverts Secret
and everyone who is reading this to make a post with her own way style of dresses she use day time,home,evening….etc.
and everyone who is reading this to make a post with her own way style of dresses she use day time,home,evening….etc.
At home


Under my abaya i like to use most of the time long skirts

Some days i prefer long dresses

At parties when men are around (and hijab not missing )

Party and some occasions - of course this is under my abaya

Traveling outside

Mashallah sister, your taste in clothes is amazing! I love outfit number 1 and the last one. Mashallah theyre all so beautiful.
I love the 1st dress!
salaamz sis masha'allah u always have great posts and really nice pictures...I love it very nice
loving what u wear at home!!!!
I responded to your challenge
It was fun, inshallah i can add more another time
Hi sister! I did my islamic way of dress. SOrry it took a while, my internet connection wasnt available for a few days. I hope you like my post.
Love ya
Aasalam Aalaikom.
xxoxoxo Sarah.
love the first and the last ones!
OMG! I totally love your style,though no. 6, the brown evening wear is my best and I totally love the other one after that though am *busty* so it will make me uncomfortable, lol. I love long skirts and the last outfit as I don't wear abaya but its very decent and long sleeves ;)sf
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