I found this product a new lash conditioner called Md Lash Factor, and i wish i will try it inshalla.
Everyone is praising this product as it is the best way in growing quickly ur eyelashes, but i usually don't belive it unless i try it by self to convince :)
It takes 6 to 9 weeks ( the trial period) to see the results inshalla.
They promise with this product after one week of use to some customers lashes r more noticeably fuller .
I heard about this product that is it dedicated to benefit autism initiatives.
MD Lash Factor™ is a new physician-formulated eyelash conditioner designed to improve the appearance of natural lash length, fullness, and thickness after two months of application. 1 tube lasts an average of 6 months, and costs $140.
See the difference :






Do anyone of u have tried this product ?
I think i must try it , coz right now i'm using DOUBLE CILS conditioner that contains proteine and i notice a very little difference, but not as i was expected.
I'm using this product for the last 6months and i can say that my eyelashes don't fall anymore, but i'm lookig for a products such as making it longer, thicker and fuller :) ya' i know i want so much !
salaamz sis this looks very good, im taking a vitamin called 'Biotin' and it promotes healthier skin,longer hair and nails and since taking it my hair feels thicker,my nails grew faster and my lashes feel so thick.. and this vitamin is much cheaper maybe research this one..take care sis wsalaamz
Assalamu alaikum
Thanks for the interesting information. Frankly "After" looks just like eye lash extension to me...
I never thought it was possible to grow lashes with a product, but why not if I find this product here in france I'll try eventhough I don't really need it but the fuller the better!
asalamu3laykum sister...
I've been looking for a product that would make my lashes longer and thicker, too!
I found this really great product on the internet called LashMantra and whats good about it is its organic! I have read so many positive reviews about it.
but unfortunately, shipping is really expensive for a small bottle of a product :((((
and its nowhere available here in UAE!
If u come up with new products please do let us know as this is really helpful!
thank u^^
Salam alaykom sis interesting ... i was searching for something similar as this long time .
Thanks for giving us this tips
Thanks a lot "Behind my Veil " i wanna try also the vitamin my dear sister Skye has recommended .
If i will soon try this new product MD lash Factor i will let u know girls how it works inshalla !
By the way, I read in the newspaper that this stuff can make the whites of your eyes go darker!
Awwyy really ?????? good u told us i must ask someone who used this and then if safe i will try it inshalla .
Thanks dear for the warning.
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